Tuesday, Oct 27, 2020, 9am - Noon
Streaming 9am – Noon and then available for viewing anytime after that
All times are approximate
All times are approximate
9:00 am Live Keynote Speaker
Dr. Robert Mace, Executive Director and Chief Water Policy Officer at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment
Dr. Mace will speak on “Sustainability in Barton Springs and the World” with a special performance on his theremin (an electric musical instrument controlled without physical contact).
This will be a live session starting at 9am with live Q & A. Click here for more info.
Dr. Mace will speak on “Sustainability in Barton Springs and the World” with a special performance on his theremin (an electric musical instrument controlled without physical contact).
This will be a live session starting at 9am with live Q & A. Click here for more info.
9:45 am Three Springs Tour
When you visit Barton Springs Pool, did you know that the pool is fed from an underground spring, also known as Parthenia Spring, located just west of the diving board? It is through this spring that water from Edwards Aquifer fills Barton Springs Pool.
There are other springs that flow from the Edwards Aquifer that are part of Barton Springs. Join the Save Our Springs Guides for a fascinating tour of Parthenia, Eliza, and Zenobia Springs and discover the amazing “Barton Springs complex” right here in the heart of our city! See more here.
There are other springs that flow from the Edwards Aquifer that are part of Barton Springs. Join the Save Our Springs Guides for a fascinating tour of Parthenia, Eliza, and Zenobia Springs and discover the amazing “Barton Springs complex” right here in the heart of our city! See more here.
10:00 am Toxic Blue-Green Algae: A New Threat Emerges in Austin's Lakes
In 2019, Austin's dog lovers were stunned when dogs began getting sick and dying after taking a summer splash in Lady Bird Lake. The City of Austin's Watershed Protection Department began investigating and discovered the emergence of toxic cyanobacteria (aka, blue-green algae). Tune in to this year's Barton Springs University, as Save Our Springs Attorney Bobby Levinski interviews Dr. Brent Bellinger, an aquatic ecologist with the City of Austin, whose job is to study the ongoing situation. See more here.
10:45 am It's the Real Eel!
The American Eel is a freshwater fish species with a unique and fascinating life history that begins out in the Sargasso Sea, with migrations into North America and the Caribbean where they spend the majority of their life. Little is known about those that make their way into Texas waters. Biologists in the Hendrickson Lab, based out of the University of Texas' Biodiversity Center and home of the Fishes of Texas Project, have partnered with Texas Parks & Wildlife to research the distribution and conservation status of this elusive species in the state. Watch this presentation by Research Scientists Melissa Casarez and Adam Cohen on the status of their Texas eel research and their upcoming eel exhibit at the Texas Memorial Museum.
11:10 am Getting to the Roots of the Green New Deal
This presentation by Khristen Hamilton, Zero Hour Volunteer Management Director, outlines common misconceptions of the Green New Deal and ways that it will help the communities most impacted by Climate change.
Zero Hour is a youth-led movement creating entry points, training, and resources for new young activists and organizers (and adults who support our vision) wanting to take concrete action around climate change.
Zero Hour is a youth-led movement creating entry points, training, and resources for new young activists and organizers (and adults who support our vision) wanting to take concrete action around climate change.
11:30 am Lifeguarding at Barton Springs
See the Barton Springs lifeguards in action and learn about how to be a lifeguard working in a spring fed pool with endangered salamander habitat all around you!
11:35 am Beyond Yuck! Human Waste and Clean Water in Central Texas
Every day we flush and forget. We hope our municipal utility takes care of our waste in a responsible manner.
But some don't. Learn the basics of why we need to keep our treated sewage out of our rivers, creeks and streams. This presentation features an introductory video on managing wastewater in the Hill Country by SOS Staff Attorney, Kelly Davis, followed by Baylor University professor Ryan King presenting his research on the effects of nutrient pollution on the Blanco River and other Texas streams. See more here.
But some don't. Learn the basics of why we need to keep our treated sewage out of our rivers, creeks and streams. This presentation features an introductory video on managing wastewater in the Hill Country by SOS Staff Attorney, Kelly Davis, followed by Baylor University professor Ryan King presenting his research on the effects of nutrient pollution on the Blanco River and other Texas streams. See more here.
Bill Oliver sings on Barton Creek as we sign off
Sing along with Mr. Habitat, Bill Oliver on Barton Creek! Also, be sure to visit the Mother Earth Day 2020 Virtual event here: motherearthdayfest.com/courses/the-virtual-mother-earth-day-fest/
Bill Oliver brings together music, puppet shows, murals, interactive booths, games, art, local wildlife, and youngsters to create Mother Earth Day at the Springs. This is an “Earth Day” specifically for and about Barton Springs, Barton Creek, and this special watershed in and around Austin.
Entire Program will be available for viewing at BartonSpringsUniversity.org website after the streaming along with other educational videos.
Bill Oliver brings together music, puppet shows, murals, interactive booths, games, art, local wildlife, and youngsters to create Mother Earth Day at the Springs. This is an “Earth Day” specifically for and about Barton Springs, Barton Creek, and this special watershed in and around Austin.
Entire Program will be available for viewing at BartonSpringsUniversity.org website after the streaming along with other educational videos.